Jess Wilkins-Cooke

Business: Breathe Easy EFT & Wellbeing

Bio: I am an advanced and accredited EFT tapping practitioner supporting you out of anxiety and into ease and self-belief. Tapping is for you if you are ready for change.

Location/Area Covered: Chester based and online.


So many of us experience anxious thoughts, self criticism, a sense of stuckness or the feeling that the things we really want are always just out of reach. Often these patterns are learned but have become so ingrained that they feel true.

What if you could feel differently?

Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful and evidence based technique that we use in 1:1 sessions to identify and understand our deeper patterns and beliefs and release them, leaving space and energy to move towards the things we really want. Uniquely, you will also learn how to use tapping for yourself outside of session to support you to manage difficult situations and offer yourself the ease, balance and real self belief that you deserve. Tapping is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, is surprisingly simple to learn and might just change your life.

Get in touch with Jess for a free consultation to learn more.


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