1:1 Coaching

What works for one won’t necessarily work for another! So I provide coaching in three different formats:

  1. Empower Hour 1:1 Coaching

    “traditional” coaching online or face to face

  2. Flexi Coaching

    for the super busy or those suffering from Zoom fatigue

  3. Walk and Talk Coaching

    fresh air and a gentle walking session


60-Minute Empower Hour Coaching Session:

The aim of the Empower Hour is to identify and clarify what matters to you and empower you to start working with your goals from the inside. You’ll set some small short-term, inspired actions and go away feeling clear, assured, and motivated to move forward pragmatically, knowing that you CAN achieve your goals.

30-minute Guided Reflection & Coaching Session (around two weeks after your Empower Hour session)

Half an hour of guided reflection on your recent experiences, successes, learnings, and challenges to help you grow in your self-compassion practice and continue to move forward in achieving what matters to you. 

£75 - One 60-minute Empower Hour, plus a 30-minute follow-up Guided Reflection & Coaching Session

£75 - Guided Reflection & Coaching Session is £75 for three when booked in advance) -


Regular and personalised two-way contact - I know that with the best will and intention in the world, sometimes life can get in the way of even the most important of goals. So I’ll keep in touch to add an extra layer of support and accountability and remind you that letting yourself fall to the back of the queue is not an option.

If you are too busy to sit down for a solid hour because of parenting, work, or other commitments, or if you struggle with Zoom fatigue/speaking over the phone, then you might feel like a traditional coaching session isn’t an option for you. That’s where Flexi Coaching comes in.  

Flexi Coaching is three hours of coaching carried out over messaging services such as WhatsApp, using a range of media for optimal interaction. I tend to send videos and voice notes rather than texts, but you can reply to me however comfortable.

Like traditional coaching, a Flexi Coaching Session will identify what matters to you and empower you to work towards your goals from the inside. You’ll set small, short-term, inspired actions, and by the end of your Flexi Coaching session, you’ll feel more clear, assured, and motivated to move forward, knowing that you CAN achieve your goals.

Often, Flexi Coaching can involve more than just talking. We might set small tasks for you to work on during the session. For example, a client recently wanted to work on communicating when she needs support, so as well as coaching, I sent her a communication resource to print off and complete. She then sent me a picture of the completed version, and we came up with a plan to implement it - making it more productive and efficient - giving you the opportunity to make pragmatic and tangible progress.

£75 - Three hour Flexi Coaching session 

If you prefer face-to-face coaching and like being out and about, then walk-and-talk coaching might be for you! 

Some of our best ideas come to us when we’re out in the fresh air - plus, it’s great for our well-being - So why not join me for a wander outdoors to talk through what is on your mind. 

This service is available if you live in or are local to Flintshire, Chester, or Wrexham. Walk and Talk Coaching is a great way to clear the clutter from your brain that’s getting in the way of drilling down on your goals. You don’t need to be fit - you choose the distance and pace, and I’ll do the rest!

£45 - 45 minutes

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