I’m Tracey and I’m a Copywriter

I haven’t always been a Copywriter. My background is in Training and Education where I have been for most of my career but at the beginning of this year, 2023, I made the decision I needed to change. I dared to follow my heart of working for myself, to step outside the cage. 🦁

The Journey Begins

I actually didn’t know what I wanted to do. What I did know is I dreaded Mondays. I got that awful Sunday night feeling. That anxious pain in your chest where you wish you could just pack your bags and disappear into the night and never come back to this reality.🌃 I had lost my Mojo for teaching. Well actually,  I had to be truthful to myself and admit that my motivation pot was almost empty.🫙

 Teaching, especially teaching teenagers, can be a challenging endeavor. While some students soak up the knowledge like sponges, others are just resistant to learning Maths, English, and Employability Skills and who can blame them when they signed up to be a plumber or a hairdresser? I got to the stage where I dreaded Mondays. By  Thursday, I found myself running on fumes, with little patience and my motivation running dry. So, I decided that I needed to do something about it. Rather than sit and complain and see my mental health decline, I took action.✓

Searching for inspiration

I searched the Internet to find inspiration. Something that I could do remotely, earning money and enjoying the process. I joined Masterclasses on LinkedIn, Life Coaching, and more but nothing seemed to connect. Although the ‘Jay Shetty Life Coach Course was very inviting, I was worried I would try and fix everyone's problems rather than just listen. That’s when I came across Copywriting and thought ‘YES’ I can do this. So I got lots of books from Everybody Writes by Ann Handley to Copywriting Handbook by Robert W Bly and started to write.

I’ve always written something.. Sometimes poems, sometimes blogs and journal entries  Writing allows you to be free. To express your thoughts. To brain dump what you’re thinking. To be creative. To be vulnerable. To inspire. To encourage.

Investing in Me

Although these books were great and I was learning daily, I knew that I needed some guidance and a mentor who would boost my self-belief because I still wasn’t 100% sure I had what it takes to be a ‘ Copywriter’ and run a business.(Imposter Syndrome creeping in) So I researched becoming a Copywriter and  I found Nat. Inspirational and it was an instant connection when I jumped on the call with her BUT this was a huge investment financially. The course itself was worth the investment as it came with weekly group calls and mini-workshops that trained you on what makes ‘good copy’. However, it didn’t teach you how to set up your website or how to market and launch your services. I’ve learned a lot along the way but still have so much to learn but it’s exciting as well.

Alex Hormozi quote  

‘’ For anyone who needs to hear this. ’ You never feel like you know what you’re doing. Figuring it out isn’t part of the game, it is the game and the fact that you don’t know means you’re growing rather than staying comfortable. They’re called ‘growing pains’ for a reason’’

I am determined to carry on learning, growing, and pushing myself out of that Comfort Zone into Adventure Zone and will MAKE IT. Investing in yourself is scary. You think of all the other things the money could be spent on and as women, we always put ourselves last on the expense list.  One thing I want to share though, is that YOU ARE Worth Every Penny.

Top Tips

If you can do anything in life and if this Blog inspires anyone, please please try and invest in yourself. Put down your mobile and…

Read a book.  I can recommend ‘Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, Two Weeks Notice by Amy Porterfield

Go for a walk  Even if it’s just around the block or estate, it helps boost your mind and it’s an exercise that releases endorphins.

Oh, and another book I recommend reading is  ‘The Artist's Way’. No, it’s not just for artists,  it’s a course inside a book that is just magical and I’m only on Week 1.

Meet Tracey:

“I’m a lover of the Outdoors, and here in North Wales, I am truly blessed with what it has to offer. Oh, and I’m a Copywriter for businesses serving clients in the  Outdoors and Well-being space.

I believe in connection and building relationships. My copywriting services are designed to help you share your BRAND and services in a clear and meaningful way so your ideal customer knows you exist and feels connected to your cause.”

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – Jennifer Lee. …

Find Tracey on Facebook and Instagram, or on her website or email.

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Do you have a story to tell? By partnering together, I hope to share a variety of lived experiences and stories, which help and inspire other people both personally and professionally with their hormones, health, mindset, and business.


